Wednesday 5 February 2014

Brief Respite From Excitement : Puerto Madryn : Sun 2nd & Mon 3rd Feb

Sunday. We slept in late, at small bits of toast with marmalade, talked extensively about what we would do when we left Puerto Madryn. I made some horrible coffee and we worked out how much money we needed for the rest of our stay in Argentina. We finally ruled out going to Ushuaia at the bottom of the world, not least because the weather there was similar to that of Belfast right now, and who needs that?

Some photos got posted, we went for a walk around the town and didn't buy anything, and it really was a day where nothing noteworthy happened. I don't even have any photos.

Now that Sarah has awoken, I have been reminded that we did actually do things on Sunday, like watch the Ireland v Scotland rugby game online, then the highlights later on whilst we ate pancho super, big fecking hotdogs, and really the whole day had been planned around watching the Super Bowl, which was a bit of a shock. Still, it made excellent Sunday night viewing.

I did, however, make a big pot of spaghetti bolognese using my ma's infamous recipe, and it went down a treat. Sorry, all you Italian immigrants in Argentina, but our fake not-real and inauthentic bolognese sauce is simply excellent. However the spaghetti was a lot better than other pasta we have had.

Also of note, we have finally met someone else from back home here, more or less. We share a hostel with a chap from Donegal who got thoroughly fed up with life back on the north-west coast and decided to come down here. Wise move, I say. We have also befriended Patrick, first from San Francisco and currently from NYC. Another chap who worked in finance and hated it, so packed it in and went travelling. Seriously, do anyone actually enjoy working with money these days?


It is Wednesday now and I have discovered Northern Ireland will be playing a friendly against Uruguay in May, about 2 weeks after we get home. I am not happy.


Monday. The 3rd of February and Sarah and I's four year anniversary. We celebrate by booking into our hostel for an extra two nights so we can take the daytime bus to Esquel on Friday. A nine hour journey straight through Patagonia, I don't want to miss anything, and for the rest of the week the buses travel by night. After a somewhat stilted conversation with the chap at the Mar Y Valle kiosk, we snag two tickets to Esquel in ejecutivo class downstairs for a mere $360 each.

Every so often you find a dream car down here. They are never in good condition, but they are still epic.

Across from the bus terminal is the old train station. Narrow gauge trains dominated down here.

I have forgotten to point out that the Argentines love this stuff. It's called Fernet, and comes in a few different varieties, but basically its a herbal liquor similar to Jagermeister but not as sweet. That explains why they drink it in pints mixed with Coke. I am not joking. Its not bad actually, but I reckon it must put you into a horrible state. At least I now know how to use up my dad's bottle of Unicum. 

I only took this photo because I had a ridiculous rant in my head that went something like "Azul Cielo? Blue Sky? BLUE SKY? Why not RED SKY? OR BLACK SKY? YEAH, WHY NOT JUST CALL YOUR SHOP 'MISERY AND DEATH AND AWFULNESS!'." I then chortled out loud and had to explain to Sarah what I was thinking. She looked confused.

I'm not sure how 'artesian' braided bracelets are, but these guys are pretty convinced.

Typical street in Puerto Madryn

After many good intentions, I finally made it into a Panaderia and bought myself a gravy ring. OMG. The girls behind the counter laughed at my excitement, they laughed that we call them gravy rings, and they were horrified that there are no independent bakeries in Ireland any more. I have to agree.

Yes, $6 for two gravy rings. Not only cooked to perfection, but flavoured with a little lemon zest. I am getting hungry just thinking about them. As you can see, I was happy.

Down at the main drag, we see a dog on a car...

...another cruise ship...

...and lots of people on the beach. We, however, decide to go and play some pool.

There wasn't much to do after pool except have an attempt at barbecuing at the hostel. We bought four cuts of cow and a bag of charcoal. You only see a few of the results because we got too hungry and ate them. That is a big bottle of chimichurri on the table right there beside Sarah. Look how happy she is. That bottle of shampoo played no part in this meal.

We attempted to cook some crap oven chips too, but that was a miserable failure. Not to worry. for $80 we had four huge steaks. We also have half a bag of charcoal left! You know what that means...

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