Sunday 11 May 2014

Retrospective Begins : Ollantaytambo : Mon 5th May

It's almost a week since I last updated, a week of madness and distance and, importantly, Machu Picchu. But I didn't take my little portable keyboard with me to the famous site, and I certainly wasn't going to be writing an essay on a touchscreen, which would have driven me utterly mental.

So here I am, Sunday 11th May, in a hostel in Puno, nestled up against the shores of Lake Titikaka, watching the Giro D'Italia on ESPN (good turnout Ulster, well done!) and trying to remember every single detail of the past 6 days. There's a lot.

Last Sunday and Monday were dominated by a monumental fight between Sarah and I, one driven by stress over passports, lingering resentment and guilt over the thefts in Calama, tiredness, money worries, and a whole wealth of other stuff that usually causes boys and girls to fight. Needless to say, like our worst moments, this one culminated in a disaster, a break up, a stupid email written in threat and sent when there was nowhere else for the circularity to go. And that was us broken up. Again. So I went to bed on Sunday, woke up on Monday, things seemed to be better, they got worse, then better, there were some explanations and apologies, and eventually a promise that things would be good from this point on. No more sulking, rowing, an end to the temper that has jinxed us for a while. Tuesday would be considered the first day of a new relationship and everything from the previous one would be put aside, left behind, no more dragging up ghosts from five years ago on our bad days. More effort on both sides to make it work. Now we just do it and see what happens. Fingers are crossed for success.

That was Sunday and Monday. In there too are a few phone calls home, a few explanatory emails, maybe or maybe not going to Machu Picchu and finally a decision to stay in Hostal Inti Killa for one more night, departing for Aguas Calientes the following morning.

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